Monday, December 10, 2012

Weighing Your Pros and Cons

I believe we have a daily guide as to what the day should be however, the atmosphere change when we make a different decision. Those decisions we make can change day into night quickly. I believe we find ourselves deminishing our greatest aspirations out of fear and putting forth the comfortable portraits of ourselves. To be free, you have to feel it and to feel free, you have to believe it. I believe that once we believe in ourselves, the Cons that have weighed us down in areas we should bling in the most will shine bright. Look in the mirror and truly ask yourself, "Do you believe in yourself?"

Many of you will say yes, but how many of you are only saying it based on your accomplishments? If all of your accomplishments were stripped of you, would you still believe in yourself? This belief is not about accomplishments, this is about yourself.  No one in this world can ever say they have never had a split moment where they questioned the Pros. The Cons surfaced in that split moment and for some of you, they lingered around for a while. Believing in yourself is a strength that can not be taken away once it is felt.

Once you truly believe in yourself, nothing can keep you down. No matter how many Cons come your way, it's like your heart and your brain becomes this superhero that defeats it all.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I Love To Write

I have always had a passion for writing fiction. I love to create suspense and drama that leads up to thickening plots and bursts with unbelievable endings. I have a love for writing and I will be adding a short story section to my blog. Feel free to read the material. I hope you find it interesting and fun to read. I am starting this first short story in sections. It will be one chapter at a time. It will be completely from the top of my head right before I post it and I will write a new chapter periodically. Let the writing began! Talk soon.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Keep on Pushin

A report from the American Psychological Association states “significant sources of stress include money (75 percent of survey respondents), work (70 percent), the economy (67 percent), relationships (58 percent), family responsibilities (57 percent), family health problems (53 percent), personal health concerns (53 percent), job stability (49 percent), housing costs (49 percent) and personal safety (32 percent).” (APA - Stress in America)

Wow! It is important to see that the most rated source of stress is money followed by work. If I am wrong tell me, however these two I believe draw a very close relationship. One of the biggest fears is losing your job and not being able to afford to pay your bills and provide for your family. It is one of the most important fears facing this world here today. No one wants to wake up tomorrow without a job. And those who do not have a job did not expect to be jobless. And we have so many people talking about relieving stress and finding outlets. Well, how do you find an outlet jobless? How do you find an outlet not making any money?

This is the type of stress that does not go away and can be everlasting, but I believe that instead of trying to eliminate it, we need to focus on dealing with it. Learning to undersatand that there is going to be stress when you are in a situation where you are out of your norm, helps to not be as tense when and if it does happen. I call it getting to understand reality. It is highly important to know all the alternatives to what can happen in your lifespan and not be afraid to think about them and understand them. Stop believing it can never be you. You know, I read so many stories and issues happening around this world, but in my moment of alone time, I do appreciate where I am and make sure that I remember that in any of these experiences I have observed, it could have been me. It does not stress me out, it makes me open my eyes and really see what is going on and happening around me. It helps me to understand that I am no better than the next and I must appreciate where I am rather than deny myself that "it" could not happen to me. It relieves so much tension when I do have a conflicting situation and it makes me more manageable with them.

The most important job I have is my own life and your own life should be yours too. If I don't understand what is going on around me, how can I survive? Believe me when I tell you that you won't. Learn and understand the world you are in. With that you will be suprised on how well you can keep on pushin.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

National Urban League and President Obama

President Obama stated, "even though we are taking these actions, they are not enough." He is right and he has set it clear on the table as to how out of control gun violence is. The majority of gun owners need to do everything possible to help protect our nation. President Obama also stated, "We should have no greater mission than to keep our youth safe." It is important that violence decline in America and it is steady on the rise affecting many families physically as well as mentally. Will it ever end? No, but it most definitely can and need to be controlled. I believe that communities have had a hard time banning together. There needs to be a way to reach out to those who do not have the time to help enforce this decrease in violence. I believe it began in the homes. It also began with trust.

Parents need to be more aware of what is going on in their childrens lives. To learn what is going on means to talk to your children and not yell at them. Provide them your experience growing up and what you learned while growing. Help them to understand that it is okay rather than they will be punished or grounded. It is important to focus on learning their thoughts rather than trying to control them. Learning their thoughts will help you to understand why. Understanding why, will help you to know what need to be fixed internally. Most people who commit crimes using guns are trying to be heard or seen to make a statement. They are trying to be noticed. Why? Because they have gotten tired of being looked at as invisible. They have a need to be known, but does it in the wrong way.

One thing that do trouble me however, is how can we fight against gun violence in our backyard, but approve to go to other countries and fight in their backyards? It seems our society needs to practice what we preach as well. It all began in our own homes. How do you plan to raise your children, how have you raised your children, or how have you been raising your children? How much of your past will you hide from them or have you hidden from them? How will you discipline them or how have you disciplined them? Every action you take invents a consequence, so use your actions wisely.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

NAACP and Mitt Romney

So, Mitt Romney talks at the NAACP convention and as he is talking, I realized something; he never really talked about what he was going to do. He spoke, but said nothing. How do a man like that expect to get in office? He has to be more direct and simple with his words or people will continue to see a man who is blowing a bunch of hot air and I am quite sure many would not mind popping the balloon that air enters. America does not need gibberish floating around. It is time to give Mitt some heat and began asking him to lay out his policies and visions as well as stop calling them his policies and visions.

 Just to speak directly to Mitt: What are your policies? Name them and explain them. What are your visions? Name them and explain them.

If someone asked me what Mitt Romney plan to do when he gets in the White House, all I can say is, I don't know, but he did say he is running for president because HE know HIS policies. If someone asks me what vision does Mitt Romney have for America, all I can say is, I don't know, but he did say his campaign was about helping others who need help, but he did say he wants to get rid of "Obamacare."

Just to speak directly to Mitt: Do you get my point? Explain what you mean by helping people who need help? And what exactly are you going to do to help people who need help?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What is Your Safety Net?

So, I am reading all these articles about safety nets; from medicaid, medicare, spouses, jobs, and children. I was thinking...society uses many different things as safety nets and we sometimes get so caught up in our safety nets that we forget that it does not always have to be a safe haven for us. So, what the hell am I talking about? Well, I believe that we put too much pressure on ourselves at times when it comes to stepping out of the box. That is a fear for many and it is something I myself have struggled with a point of time in my life. It was a way of protecting myself and I am quite sure many of you use it as a protection as well. It can be a scary situation to make choices that your surrounding environment don't normally make and it causes conflicting behavior. That behavior can suppress the next person if they let it; by them not wanting to try a leap of faith.

Learning what your safety net is can help you to go out on the limb and beat it. You beat it by rising above it and focusing on something of the opposite that can help infuse something in you that will make you more outgoing and inspired. I mean, if we stay consumed to only what we know, than how can we expand our horizons? I believe risks are the key. Ask yourselves, how many times have you truly challenged yourselves? How many times have you stepped outside of your box that you live in? How many times have you really tried? Or how many times have you decided not to make a business decision and another business takes the risk and succeeds? It is time to ask yourselves: What is my safety net and what can I do to break out of it? Learn what it is and overcome it. I did.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Unconditional Love

I never thought I would get it until I learned it and understood what it really meant. I learned it without adding anyone's thoughts but my own. I found that in situations, we believe and are told that we have made a mistake because of the decisions that we made, but that is so untrue in more than a million ways. Our decisions are our gateway to us and our decisions determine our pathway. It is important to know that when we make those decisions we are choosing them because of our inner thoughts. And why is it that we are told our inner thoughts are not right sometimes? Well it is because there are so many other decisions available but we forget one thing...our own decisions that we know we want to make. And we are all guilty of making a decision based on what someone else believe we should do. And why do we do that? Because we believe their decision is the best. And in many situations it is. But when it comes to love, I have found that making your own decisions is and will only be the best. Taking tips on love is common, but the final decisions we make is average. Why is that? Because we don't always take our own advice. And in many cases we should not especially if there is someone who have not learned what love really is and find themselves in a problem where they need to ball up their fist and free themselves of such pain. But even in those cases we must find ourselves and realize that we can actually make all of these decisions ourselves. And it takes learning to unconditionally love ourselves and knowing what we want and need in life first. Knowing yourself is key. Understanding yourself is important because it creates the decisions we make. And those decisions define us. How do you want to be personally defined?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Same Sex Marriage

It has never been a fear of mine to discuss same sex marriage. In America, same sex marriage is frowned upon. There are currently six states that actually allow same sex marriage and conservative America have fought against same sex marriage for quite some time. It seems to me the fight is not over same sex marriage. The fight seems to be more about femininity vs. masculinity. When these two definitons are looked at, there is no set notion that the person has to be male or female. It is based on the behavior of the human being. And why should anyone worry about someone else behavior, role, or attribute, if it is not their own? I will tell you why.

 People believe that the reflection of another person's actions represents them. I know you are probably saying: What! But listen, how many times have you experienced someone telling you about someone else or telling you about yourself in regards to how to act or what not to do or what should be done. All the damn time. It is common communication that happens everyday and there is always someone making an opinion about the right and wrongs of how to be in society. It has escalated into a problem and the main question is not how to fix it because it will never be fixed. The main question is how do we learn to control it. By that, I mean controlling ourselves. There is so much pressure put upon each of us and I believe that we forget how much hurt is behind that pressure when the spotlight is not on you.

All of us have had an embarrassing moment in life that hurt. I am not talking about getting angry one day and happy the next. I am talking about that moment, whether you were a child or an adult, where you believed in something and someone made you feel like that belief was irrational. No one wants to feel that pain. So, why do it to others? Why not let others make their own choices and face their own consequences in life.

If a preacher or priest decides to marry a same sex couple, than let it be their choice. If you do not approve, than let that be your choice, but lets stop putting ourselves in the middle of situations that does not pertain to us. You do not have to go home with that person nor do you have to experience their lifestyle. You may see it, but that is it. You have eyelids; close them. You also have eyeballs and they are made to move, so look the other way.

Oh and by the way, don't be suprised if you are talking to your friend, cousin, uncle, nephew, niece, brother, sister, mother, or daddy who is in love with another of the same sex and wants to mary them, but you just do not know or have not taken the time to know. It happens everyday. Does the words "down low" ring any bells?

Friday, April 27, 2012


Children are a blessing that we must not forget about. Children are the future. What keeps the world going? The reproduction of children. It creates more generations that continue to come up with new inventions and ideas. Every year someone creates a new idea and that idea fights to be appreciated by others. We accept and disregard what we want and do not want, however, we also stand proud with what we know we believe in.

We have all been in love and wanted to produce a new part of ourselves. Yet, we have the moments that we can't forget and they tend to frighthen us. When we think about those negative moments they frighten us. Truth is meant to be told and my truth is I was once afraid.

Giving up does not make me stronger, it adds weakness. Believing in what you want to believe in creates a choice and that choice is something I will live with forever. So no matter what choice you make society will have to live with it. Choosing to keep a child that was made not by love have consequences. We may carry burdens or we may accept the truth. Knowledge is very much power and having power produces strength. Strength creates phenomenism in hopes it becomes real. And why not? Because contraception creates controversy. Before we had the ability to prevent pregnancy, what did we use? What did we have?

In any event that a child is produced in any other way but through love, let's began to use our brains and allow ourselves to make our own choices. No one should judge a person unless they are able to understand their decision and why? Because we should not judge what the next person chooses to do. We should judge ourselves and only oursleves, that way we have each created our own identity and we have each established truth. Truth can hurt and it can also make you feel great. My truth is not yours. My truth is pain and happiness, however, I am not afraid to make my own decision or be judged by anyone else in a negative way for their own reasons. Are you? Paint your own picture.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Student Loans

What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and breaking news is everywhere discussing that student loans have been forgiven and everyone who has outstanding loans will no longer have to pay them back? How would the rest of your day go?

It is funny that this is only a dream for many and tomorrow when you wake up, many of you will still be wondering how the hell you are going to pay that student loan bill due next month and the months after that. Was college really worth all the money it cost you? Do you really believe you were completely fulfilled and have the dream job you always wanted? Some of you are smiling because you have that and the others of you are leaning back in your chairs probably saying: If I knew this was gonna be like this I would have never went to college. Than there is the other known people who are smiling, not because they are not in debt, but are, and feel that at least they did get through college. They have hope that one day, that dream job will come and finally it will be their turn.

Well folks, you all have that one thing in common that you never realized.

Scenario: Someone knocks on your door early in the morning with a briefcase and some papers to sign that states on them that if you sign these papers you will be debt free of any debt you owe. I bet you think it is a joke, however, the man or woman giggle and say, "I am serious." You stop, lean your head back and say, "Are you serious?" and they hand you the pen as well as copies of the agreement proposed for signing. What would you do?

I do not care who you are, if you have any chance to not pay for something, you will definitely embrace that moment.

Student loan bailout may not be or may be good for this economy, but how will it affect future students? Will they be excited to go to college knowing that if there is a struggle in the end someone will be there to wipe their stress away? How many more students will enroll into college? Have you counted those numbers? Or better yet, let's think like the opposer: Why even waste time on a bailout that is never going to happen? Isn't this the dumbest thing you ever heard?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Being Myself

Growing up I have always been asked to make sure I show people who I am and be proud of who I am at all times. It did not matter where I went or whom I was with at the time, I made sure I presented no other person but me. If someone found me to be not of their interest, it did not bother me because I knew what one person does not like, another one will. In my eyes, you win some and you lose some.

Well, I am reading my articles this morning and I stumble across one that talks about being yourself in the workplace. It claims that being yourself can harm you from being promoted. Now, excuse if I am wrong, but if you don't be who you truly are than are you not lying? Is that not a sign of someone who is untrustworthy?

Never, wear a mask just to get ahead in life because one day you will be sitting in that office looking around that room all by yourself, just wondering, what the hell you have been doing. You won't be happy. Well, you will smile for those who are around you, making them think you are happy, but it is the alone time that is the most important. If you are alone and not happy with who you have become, something is wrong. Portraying who you really are not, just to succeed or overcome something in life will only leave burdens that will carry around with you for the rest of your life and there is no sense to carry bags we do not need. Right?

It is more honorable to refuse to hide who you are. Uniqueness is everything. Let it shine!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Importance of Focusing on the Brain

The only weight that need to be measured is the size of a your brain. If you do not use it all than you should be entitled to be fired or not get a job. Intelligence is the key to staying on the job. Being knowledgeable is important in order to move up in a job. Having open communication whenever needed is proof that you are capable of being informative and how you translate the message is key to how you lead. If all these things fall in at least a 80% grading scale for you, than you deserve the job. If you are slacking and just trying to get through the day, you need to be fired. But what happens to those who do have a brain and don't get to use it because they are turned down or fired due to their weight?

What is overweight? Who created it? If it is not created by nature, it is just another opinion floating around wishing millions would believe (And they have!). Sizes and shapes are only important if there is is a REAL health risk. Many people who are larger do not have health risks. The biggest health risk for people who are not skinny is the stress put on them for not being allowed to be themselves in society. That alone can kill a person.

Scenario: The fear of walking in a room and everyone staring can create a health risk especially if it creates paranoia which increases stress; now you never want to walk in a room anymore which increases blood pressure when you are in public because you are around many people which put you at a high risk for a stroke as well as your immune system is now weakened, which means  the stress can cause fatty tissues to grow around your abdomen and other subjective diseases can fight for survival in your body....Whoooo!

Do you get my point? Or did it just fly over you head? Catch this...

Now you are at the doctor being diagnosed with something...Hmmmm? If only someone would look at the brain. But wait... Is it too late to end first impression being everything with weight being one of the most important even though it is not mentioned?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Devaluation of Currency

During the nineteenth century inflation dealt with the devaluation of currency. Everytime there is an issue with the dollar bill, the taxpayers have suffered. Increase in cost of goods and services. The closing doors of companies whom are afraid of keeping the hired because of the fear of losing everything they have even though they alreasdy have enough to feed more than four generations of their own. And where has this gotten those who are at the other end of the sword?

They reach further down in their pockets and give more of what they do not have in hopes that one day they will be the ones holding the sword. At the necks of the innocent there is none whom is willing to say, "We must not take any more." However, there are those who play Peter Pan and Robin Hood fighting to the death. But they can't continue to do it alone. The majority is the power and the strongest, so don't let those who flash their gold and silver before you intimidate you. Money is not power; it is mere munipulation and once understood will not prevail any further than it is allowed.

If the entire world decided to sleep tomorrow trillions of dollars would be lost, but the need to spend that one dollar iches in the pockets of many. Ask yourselves why? I look in the mirror and ask myself every day. Why? And today on Easter Sunday I finally answered back, "I do not know." Forgiveness is unlimited.

Many of you are wondering what is being said here right now. Take it as you please. I know I do.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Who Is Held Accountable For These Deaths

More than 8,000 murdered in Syria and the numbers are still rising. When will it end? It sounds like there is a certain number that must be reached before action is to take place. What the hell is going on? Well when the research is done, you find the answers. The reason for the hold up is this:

Iran and Lebanon are Syria's allies. The UN could care less. China and Russia sides with President Assad. 

 The grudges and the dissagreements are not based on the protection of these people but on self-grief and personal pain from previous issues the UN did not vote on fairly with many of these countries.

Now ask yourself, are you really that pitiful to let these people die in the streets like this because of your grudges you hold?

How much are these government officials making off this civil war?

North Korea and The US

North Korea and the United States have never seem to be able to come to agreement on much and I don't believe they will anytime soon. This month is the month that will prove if North Korea prefer food to feed the less fortunate or enemies. As young as Kim Juong Un is, it is a reality he might be trying to prove himself as a leader from the light of his father and grandfather.

It is evident they enjoy being in the spotlight. They have not cancelled their rocket launch and may not intend to. What is the true story behind this launch? What is the real reason for the launch? I know this has been all over the media and it has been re-written a million times, but where is North Korea in all this and why are they refusing to cancel the launch?

There is more to this story than the media is providing and there is so much more to this relationship North Korea has with the rest of the world. History is only his-story and only those truly involved know the real answer. When will we get it?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Facebook Password Requests From Employers

SCENARIO: So, I am sitting in an interview and I believe that it is going well. I am excited and know I nailed every question. I know deep inside I have gotten this job. Then I am asked to provide my Facebook account information. What should I do? If I say no IT MAY HURT MY CHANCES OF GETTING THE JOB. If I provide it THEY HAVE ACCESS TO MY PRIVACY!

What should I do?

RESPONSE: I understand that you believe that having this information can help you learn more about who I am, however the site provides a password to each individual for a reason. With that said I will be more than happy to accept you as a friend on my page and you can have access to all activity that occurs under a FRIENDS status.

If they hire me, Great job! And if not, that company has just missed out on a great employee.

It is important that the choices we make in our lives reflect who we really are and social media outlets are key ways for employers to better understand who they have hired. However, there are boundaries to that and knowing them is important. Asking for passwords is key that the employer already does not trust you.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Moroccan Rape Law

So your child come to you and tell you that she was raped and beatened. As a father you are fusing and want to kill the man who done this to your daughter. As a mother you are angry no one was there to protect her. The rapist is caught a few days later and in court the judge says the rapist will recieve 20 years in prison and your family will be scorned for life or he must marry her to protect the family from being disgraced. With all the opportunities and knowing the changes that are happening around you in this world, what would you do?

You know deep down this rapist has terrified your daughter and she is beyond out of it. You notice she is having nightmares and she can't seem to get that scent of that man off her. You know that marrying her off any time soon will not work and she may even need psychological help. What would you do?

You have already begun to see people looking at your family in an odd way and frowning their noses at your daughter as if it was her fault. You notice you can't even get your daughter to come out her room or walk anywhere in the neighborhood. How do you really feel?

Would you choose the love of your child or the love of your family respect?  Is it right to care about what others think over your own childs health? What would you do?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Silence of The Lamb

There are so many stories to follow around this world that deal with hundreds of deaths and uprisings. It is ongoing and never does anyone rest silently after it. The deaths are permanent and there is no turning back physically to change it. Mentally, we are bombarded with burdens of why? Why do such pain and anger live inside so many? Not one time does anyone realize that they make their own decisions and can stop at once and cease the ignorance abroad. Yes, I understand that fighting about religion and freedom is needed and I am not saying that protesting is wrong. I am saying that violence is wrong and it is ruining the beauty of life on earth. It will not take one man to stop this. It can never take one man to stop this. Thousands of years, this world has fought and where has it gotten us today?

There are so many people who have their viewpoints and their reasons for why this indecent exposure happens. There are also MILLIONS who will argue to say how positive the outcomes will be for this world. Where is the outcome and when will it get here? No one wants to wake up to another man determining their fate for that day. No one wants to wake up to watch over their backs in fear of dying or losing a child and loved one. This continuous need to fight for change has helped many countries, however in the process of fighting for change, THERE ARE some people WHO have changed themselves resulting in more violence and revenge tactics. Your brain is much more powerful than your physical nature can ever be. When will we begin using it more wisely?

 I send a prayer out to all the lost loved ones across this world and no matter what religion you are or beliefs you have, remember one thing: WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS WHO WANT TO LIVE AND LOVE.

Monday, March 19, 2012

In Vitro Babies Denied Citizenship

International in vitro is a critical. A single mother was denied the right to bring her babies into the United States until she is able to verify that one of the donors for the children is an American citizen. I researched how in vitro works and found that it is strictlt an anonymous procedure where a donor helps to produce children for those who may be unable to have children or some form. In vitro to me sound like another form of adoption, however, the gene pool can be slightly different. From what I understand by this process is that someone else's eggs is planted into the person who wants to have a baby, however the donor is not recognized as an American or not. In doing so, if women who are traveling want to come to the United States, with their children and are traveling alone, they are questioned about the citisenship of their children. Is that right? According to international regulations; yes.

Donors should have a choice to be anonymous or not so that those who decide to go that route has the option to decide if they want anonoymous donors or not. Choices are critical when it comes to whom a birth is created by in this world and it is interesting no one thought of the OPTION procedure prior to this. We are too advanced to not have put a process like this in place. Assistance is needed and someone need to get on it right away!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Healthcare Case Banned From Television!

Is it wrong that the Supreme court will not air the Healthcare case on TV when it is one of the most serious cases to ever be heard? It determines millions of Americans healthcare in this country. Do you believe this vital decision should be made by the Supreme court?

The high court has never let anyone record its proceeding via public broadcast. Listening to it through audio recording as well as transcript is provided by the courts on their site and they will provide where else to locate the information via audio. I am not trying to tell the Supreme court what to do, but speaking directly to our high courts, 'have you really thought this through?'

History has been remaking itself over again in this country and it is evident that hearing these healthcare proceedings is a serious matter of the people. Changes are needed and changes must take place, but it can only happen if everyone agree. Do you believe it is time to rid the mysterious behavior of our Supreme court system? I do and I am not afraid of saying so! What is your take on it?

If you interested in the case you can  go to the court’s website,, each day beginning March 26th.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Obama Said He Will Lower Gas!

Let me say this; gas prices are too high now! We need some action now! I'm sick of going to the pumps and paying 3.86 for gas and than having to refill so quick that I don't even believe all my gas was given to me. Obama reevaluated his energy policy to a community college in Maryland. He states that if he is reelected back in office, he will make sure that gas is lowered to 2.50. Do you believe him? I tried researching about drilling because it is not something I am educated on. However, I did find that at minimum it can take three months to drill a 20,000 to 30,000 foot hole. And that is not based on all valid information because in doing other research, I found that the same hole can take almost a year.

 I continued to research and found that that same hole can't be determined because it depends on who is drilling it as well as the type of drill being used. However, the more drilling that is taking place, the least the cost of gas will be. How so? I do not know. There are experts that says more oil is being produced when there is more drilling going which lower gas prices and than there are experts who say that is a lie. Whatever the true issue is with oil, the public will never really know. However, if gas can go back to 99 cents instead of increasing with the economic growth as is everything else (AHA!) I will be satisfied as well as every other American who drives a car! Or just maybe this is a sign to go back to riding horses and walking. I wonder if can I get a horse to stop at all the stop signs and red lights? Although, if 2.50 is the best you can do President Obama than it is way better than four dollars.

Check out these two sites as well. Drilling looks harder than it sounds:

How Oil Drilling Works
by Craig C. Freudenrich, Ph.D.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Obama Healthcare Law and Our Chief Justice

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. will be making history soon. When he takes his seat on March 26, he will be hearing arguments on the Obama Healthcare law. This is going to really make history. Chief  Justice Roberts will be determining the fate of millions of Americans who do not have healthcare insurance. So many lives are in the hands of Roberts and his decision will define his legacy either in a positive way or negative way. So, America asks you Chief Justice Roberts: What are you going to do?

While reading an article about this historical event in the newspaper, I realized I knew nothing really about this man and who he really was even though the Healthcare Law is very important to me. So, I decided to learn a bit more. I found that our Chief Justice and Our President have a few things in common. He graduated from Harvard law school as did our President. Both graduated magna cum laude which means "with great praise" showing that they work above and beyond the requirements to graduate. Roberts later worked for George W. Bush in the 1990's. Something else interesting is the fact that in 2004, Obama was recognized after his historical speech to be a definite preffered candidate to run in the Democratic party for presidency.

 A year later, in 2005, Roberts was appointed by President George W. Bush Jr. as Chief Justice. Now, I am not trying to connect anything for anyone. But research this some more and I'm quite sure it will draw some conclusions for you. What is really going to happen with this Healthcare law?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Texas Reduced Their Share of Co-payments for Federal Insured Patients

Three billion dollar cuts in Texas Health insurance is not going to work out well for those who depend on it. What are the reason really to do all of this? There are over 320,000 people who are low income and are dual eligibles for Medicare and Medicaid. Yes it saves the state a whole lot of money; almost a half million dollars, but what will happen to all the practices that only see these type of patients? It would be a major bombshell for practices to have to close their doors on these low-income patients due to malfunctions on behalf of the state. Yes I said malfunctions and I say this because no one seemed to have thought of the high risk of dual coverage in health insurance before putting it in place and now these people do not have the option to agree or disagree.

 I looked up those who qualify for dual coverage in Texas and it is for people who are over the age of 65 who have worked for a minimum of 10 years! Our seniors do not deserve this treatment. If you are a politician in office who chose to make these cuts, in my honest opinion you should not be in office. There are so many other cuts that could be made and I'm quite sure there could have been some other way to go about fixing this matter. I am praying for all those in Texas and the other 18 states who has suffered and I know this can't be the final solution. Where are the financial advisors on this healthcare issue? If I am wrong about this issue please tell me because I would love to hear more information on this as well as if someone know anything else more inform me.

Oprah's Life Class

So, I am reading my new O' Magazine and I am excited that this month is the new season of Oprah's Lifeclass. It comes on all new every monday at 8/7 central beginning MAR 26th on the OWN network. I loved last season so much that I began subscribin the maazine and became addicted to that as well. I believe this woman is a pure replica of everything myself as well as many other women would want to be. She defines power and womanhood. She owns herself in doing so. Good job Oprah! And do not forget to check your local listings.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Here’s what the candidate told the student: “Don’t just go to one that has the highest price. Go to one that has a little lower price where you can get a good education. And, hopefully, you’ll find that. And don’t expect the government to forgive the debt that you take on.” Mitt Romney, I have one question for you; What were you thinking? And please do not answer too fast. This time think.

I am not TRYING TO ENTAIL tha I don't like the man. I am only stating my opinion based on this situation. Overall, he is a candidate running for office and I do wish him the best as well as all the others. However, when you are fighting a race to represent a nation Mitt, you must tighten up and make sure you mean what you say and be PRECISE.   
So, they said increasing jobs in the U.S would take a long process and could not be done. Somebody has definitely been misinformed. It may not seem that we are on the right track and getting things done but we have definitely moved towards improvement. The numbers do not lie! There is more hiring going on in communities around where I live than ever before and to top it off, there is more construction and building of new businesses in quite some time. I would say society needed a wake up call in order to realize how important investing really is and now that some know, hopefully they will not take advantage of it again. Controlling spending and budgeting in order to produce more jobs is important and 227,000 new jobs is remarkable. keep it up!