So, I am reading all these articles about safety nets; from medicaid, medicare, spouses, jobs, and children. I was thinking...society uses many different things as safety nets and we sometimes get so caught up in our safety nets that we forget that it does not always have to be a safe haven for us. So, what the hell am I talking about? Well, I believe that we put too much pressure on ourselves at times when it comes to stepping out of the box. That is a fear for many and it is something I myself have struggled with a point of time in my life. It was a way of protecting myself and I am quite sure many of you use it as a protection as well. It can be a scary situation to make choices that your surrounding environment don't normally make and it causes conflicting behavior. That behavior can suppress the next person if they let it; by them not wanting to try a leap of faith.
Learning what your safety net is can help you to go out on the limb and beat it. You beat it by rising above it and focusing on something of the opposite that can help infuse something in you that will make you more outgoing and inspired. I mean, if we stay consumed to only what we know, than how can we expand our horizons? I believe risks are the key. Ask yourselves, how many times have you truly challenged yourselves? How many times have you stepped outside of your box that you live in? How many times have you really tried? Or how many times have you decided not to make a business decision and another business takes the risk and succeeds? It is time to ask yourselves: What is my safety net and what can I do to break out of it? Learn what it is and overcome it. I did.