International in vitro is a critical. A single mother was denied the right to bring her babies into the United States until she is able to verify that one of the donors for the children is an American citizen. I researched how in vitro works and found that it is strictlt an anonymous procedure where a donor helps to produce children for those who may be unable to have children or some form. In vitro to me sound like another form of adoption, however, the gene pool can be slightly different. From what I understand by this process is that someone else's eggs is planted into the person who wants to have a baby, however the donor is not recognized as an American or not. In doing so, if women who are traveling want to come to the United States, with their children and are traveling alone, they are questioned about the citisenship of their children. Is that right? According to international regulations; yes.
Donors should have a choice to be anonymous or not so that those who decide to go that route has the option to decide if they want anonoymous donors or not. Choices are critical when it comes to whom a birth is created by in this world and it is interesting no one thought of the OPTION procedure prior to this. We are too advanced to not have put a process like this in place. Assistance is needed and someone need to get on it right away!