Saturday, June 8, 2013


Fear does not exist. It is created and when we feed on it internally, it can weaken us. Having no fear is like experiencing birth. In the middle of it, we all realize it is real. We realize it is happening and there is no turning back. We all realize we can not remove ourselves from this moment nor can we take it away. We all realize we don't have a choice but to handle it and deal with whatever comes next.  Fear has no more time.

Say for example you are a person who is afraid of a goat. Well, think about it. If you are a person who has never seen a goat or grew up around goats, you are probably laughing right now and may have repeated what I said..."a goat? LOL". And I am not talking about a goat at a zoo. However, say you are a person who is afraid of a goat. You don't like the way the goat looks at you or you just never seen one and with it being so foreign to you, you run at the sight of one just as many do with dogs or snakes. You forgot one key thing to ask yourself. Why are you RUNNING? Okay, you win, you can argue that it can hurt you or even kill you.

Now I want to ask you another question: Where are you running to? Okay, you win you may be running to a car or some safe place that will protect you. Now I want to ask you another question: But, Why are you HIDING?.  And we will all say, "I want to live."

If running and hiding is living, than what the hell is not running and hiding? It's an analogy to life and how easily small incidents can have such great impact on the overall person. Fear causes a person to not want to face it. We hesitate a little. You ever heard someone say, "Touch it. Don't be scared. Touch it." And we have all heard those words before. We all had fear in us as well. Most of us  did not react to those words either and showed more fear. We do this same scenario with everyday incidents in our lives. Facing it opens more windows.