Monday, August 26, 2013


Tough times are not meant to break you. Tough times help you and teach you things that you did not know and understand. Tough times help you to seek what it is you have been missing. Tough times create concerns and questions that you demand answers for. Tough times are knowledge gaining times.

Tough times inspire you and force you to be focused. Tough times make you think. Tough times create experiences that you will never forget. Tough times speak truth and help you become wiser. Tough times create new found meaning to your life. Tough times bring new people in your life.

Tough times are inspiring. Tough times are emotional. Tough times are enriching to who you need to become and who you have become. Tough times are not to be taken lightly. Tough times are well worth it. Tough times create history.

Tough times are stepping stones and having the ability to overcome these moments is the best feeling you can endure. Tough times give you strength. Tough times gives you power. Tough times are new found visions. Tough times helps you to never give up. Tough times force you to change.

Tough times are never good experiences but they are experiences we have all had and will have more than once in our lifetime. However, we must never forget during these tough times, that we are irreplaceable. We must never forget that we are worthy and to always fight with faith and love.

Tough times can not defeat you unless you let it. How do you handle your tough times?

Thursday, July 18, 2013


How many needs does the average human being have? No one knows and it would take years of research and observation to figure it out. And why? Because our needs are infinite. People need to go to work. People need to eat. People need to drive to work and not walk. People need, need, need. It never ends. The entire day is surrounded with needs. In all the chaos of needs, there are two very important needs: love and respect.

I can not tell you how many times I have heard people say that all we need is love. I agree. However, there are an infinite number of needs that make up love. How much love you have inside you determines so much about the kind of person you are.  However, it is not the same in all of us, but that is okay because it creates identity separation. There is absolutely nothing wrong with how you express your need; it is about the response you give to others and how your action was presented.

See, the response is of vital importance to the reaction that is following. The reaction that is following will seem questionable, but learn to love it. Learn to appreciate anothers' thought whether you agree or disagree. Learn to understand and respond with reassurance. Reassurance creates an abundance of love.

 I believe that a need can shift a person into a different state of mind. How a person think and feel about an issue or situation forms how they act and the person receiving the action react. So here comes the need to be respected: It is very vital to deny a person to feel as though reacting a specific way is wrong. It is very vital however how you react. It is extremely vital for whatever the cause was, that began the respect cycle.

The respect cycle is a process of events that can occur in a conversation creating a positive or negative outlook. This cycle can go two ways good or bad. Which way do you prefer? This moment all depends on your reaction to the person reacting to the cause. It creates exactly which way the respect cycle is going to go. How do you respond?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Fight

It is impossible to forget and it is easy to remember. It is intriguing to understand. But, how many people truly understand the fundamentals of examinating and reconstructing us? Memories are fascinating, but they are all not always beautiful and in need of keeping. And I use to ask myself why, but I learned early in my life, that every moment in life, there is a choice to make. That choice is something we have to live with forever. The challenge that need a choice made is not an issue because of the path we chose to take. Now, do not argue with the challenge. Focus on the memory. In the memory lies the choice we made. Remember the choice is something we have to live with forever. The choice is critical to the memory and the memory is deteriorating to the choice. The choice you make is impossible to forget and easy to remember. The memory a person creates is impossible to forget and easy to remember.

Okay, we do forget. That is because memory deteriorated the choices creating one final choice which is impossible to forget and easy to remember. In the business world we strive based on the answers given to us by data. That data we analyze creates the alternatives we choose. But what if we did not use data and did not focus on the patterns from our past experiences. What if we focused on present change and present outcomes? When many of our multi-million dollar companies first began, they did not rely on computing data to create facts and decision making tools for advancement. They went with a hunch and the small community values that lied within. Why is it so important now to intrigue the mind with more than just an idea when ideas and hunches created the very foundation in which we live in?

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Fear does not exist. It is created and when we feed on it internally, it can weaken us. Having no fear is like experiencing birth. In the middle of it, we all realize it is real. We realize it is happening and there is no turning back. We all realize we can not remove ourselves from this moment nor can we take it away. We all realize we don't have a choice but to handle it and deal with whatever comes next.  Fear has no more time.

Say for example you are a person who is afraid of a goat. Well, think about it. If you are a person who has never seen a goat or grew up around goats, you are probably laughing right now and may have repeated what I said..."a goat? LOL". And I am not talking about a goat at a zoo. However, say you are a person who is afraid of a goat. You don't like the way the goat looks at you or you just never seen one and with it being so foreign to you, you run at the sight of one just as many do with dogs or snakes. You forgot one key thing to ask yourself. Why are you RUNNING? Okay, you win, you can argue that it can hurt you or even kill you.

Now I want to ask you another question: Where are you running to? Okay, you win you may be running to a car or some safe place that will protect you. Now I want to ask you another question: But, Why are you HIDING?.  And we will all say, "I want to live."

If running and hiding is living, than what the hell is not running and hiding? It's an analogy to life and how easily small incidents can have such great impact on the overall person. Fear causes a person to not want to face it. We hesitate a little. You ever heard someone say, "Touch it. Don't be scared. Touch it." And we have all heard those words before. We all had fear in us as well. Most of us  did not react to those words either and showed more fear. We do this same scenario with everyday incidents in our lives. Facing it opens more windows.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

It's A New Day!

My experiences over the past few months have been very helpful to how I view life. Those experiences have actually help to infuse how I feel because they created another open window for me; a new journey. I have climbed through the window and I am still standing on two feet.

Many of us call it the window of opportunity. You never really know what is on the other side, but you do know its a new day. I have welcomed more peace and I have welcomed more joy and happiness than I have ever imagined. I am happy. If there is anyone who have felt this feeling, I know you understand every word that has  swept from my mouth. There is nothing but everlasting joy to come. I am on the right path. I feel it. I believe it. Therefore, I know it.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Ginormous Bowling Ball

I wish I can strike every time the bowling ball roll down the lane. I want that perfect score. However, it does not always happen as I expect it. No matter how hard I try, I just can not strike out every time. So I have to accept the score given for that play. And what do I do? I get back up to that lane and try again, all the while laughing and giggling with those whom I have went to the bowling alley with.

Now, picture this same episode with that of the pitfalls we endure and the responses we provide to those. Do we allow the pitfalls to happen and learn from the experience or do we get upset and refuse to play? Many times this question can get misconstrued because a person can assume they learned from the experience all the while they are actually refusing to play.

How can I tell when I am refusing to play? I can tell because when I am presented with the same situation again, I make the same mistakes or similar mistakes. There is no change in the way I walk into the situation, nor in the way I handle the situation. I may be able to alter the situation and still succeed with the same mistakes, but did I put forth my full effort or was I determined that the original approach would work? In most cases, I am determined the original way would work, but I did not know how at the time. So I go back to the drawing board and critique the situation. I want to know where I went wrong and how can I make this play work. With slight alterations, it may work and in many situations it do. But what do I do when it don't? And how do I decrease my wasted time on it, so that I am not fooling around with a dead end? Do, I continue to completely change each play  or work on the ones I already tried that failed?

When it does not work, I play. I change my entire strategy and start fresh with one that is of higher risk than the one I used before. I challenge myself with the unknown and it gives me a rush. My goal is to win and in order to win, I can not be afraid to lose. I can not be afraid to start over. I show no fear. I enjoy the risk. I decrease my wasted time by research and pinpoint the confusion. Nothing is a dead end and everything has an answer. Some things just take more practice and understanding. I put the situation on the shelf and go back to it when needed, all the while I play. I change for the short-term and I do not consider it failure, I consider it a part of my ginormous bowling ball waiting to strike when needed.