I can not tell you how many times I have heard people say that all we need is love. I agree. However, there are an infinite number of needs that make up love. How much love you have inside you determines so much about the kind of person you are. However, it is not the same in all of us, but that is okay because it creates identity separation. There is absolutely nothing wrong with how you express your need; it is about the response you give to others and how your action was presented.
See, the response is of vital importance to the reaction that is following. The reaction that is following will seem questionable, but learn to love it. Learn to appreciate anothers' thought whether you agree or disagree. Learn to understand and respond with reassurance. Reassurance creates an abundance of love.
I believe that a need can shift a person into a different state of mind. How a person think and feel about an issue or situation forms how they act and the person receiving the action react. So here comes the need to be respected: It is very vital to deny a person to feel as though reacting a specific way is wrong. It is very vital however how you react. It is extremely vital for whatever the cause was, that began the respect cycle.
The respect cycle is a process of events that can occur in a conversation creating a positive or negative outlook. This cycle can go two ways good or bad. Which way do you prefer? This moment all depends on your reaction to the person reacting to the cause. It creates exactly which way the respect cycle is going to go. How do you respond?